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Thursday, 22 September 2022

Decay in teeth and mouth can be fatal, chances of cancer will increase by 75 percent, take special care of these things

Decay in teeth and mouth can be fatal, chances of cancer will increase by 75 percent, take special care of these things

Daily cleaning of teeth and mouth is very important. Lack of oral hygiene can increase the risk of liver cancer. This has been revealed in a recent study.

Lack of oral hygiene can increase the risk of liver cancer

There are many teeth cleaning products available in the market these days. Health experts believe that we should take care of our teeth along with cleaning them every day. Plaque builds up if the teeth are not cleaned regularly. Plaque is a sticky residue that sticks to the teeth and slowly causes tooth decay. Recent research has revealed that poor oral hygiene can lead to deadly diseases like  liver cancer .

Poor oral health can lead to liver cancer

According to a study at Queen's University Belfast, poor oral hygiene can lead to liver cancer. The study researchers found that people who had oral diseases such as bleeding gums, mouth sores, loose or moving teeth. Such people had a 75 percent higher risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. This is common for  liver cancer .

Research revealed

More than 450,000 people from Britain were included in this study. Oral health and gastrointestinal cancer risk were analyzed among such people. The researchers found that 4,069 of the study participants developed gastrointestinal cancer over 6 years. In 13 percent of cases, patients had poor oral hygiene.

What do the experts say?

Many people wonder how oral health increases the risk of liver cancer. Experts say that there can be two reasons behind it. The role of the oral and gut microbiome in early cancer. So another reason is that people with bad oral health cannot eat nutritious things. This increases the risk of liver cancer. Liver cancer can cause complaints like weight loss, jaundice, pain and abdominal pain. If you have these problems, consult a doctor immediately.


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