Constipation, itching and insomnia all together, a new age serious disease! One mantra to survive: અજ્ઞાનાય નમઃ
You know from somewhere that the chances of obesity are high due to eating more potatoes. Reading the news, you will know that the rate of obesity and diabetes is increasing in Gujarat. Also, Gujaratis eat a lot of potatoes. All vegetables are cooked and eaten with potatoes. Compared to other regions of India, Gujarati people are happy to eat and drink and are also fond of food, so they can afford burgers and French fries.
So now after getting so much knowledge, if the worm of public awareness is crawling inside you, you will put a post on social media. Your intention must be to make people aware. You will also link to some kind of research. Look at that! What kind of problems can you get by eating too much potato? According to Falana research, you are at risk of gaining weight. According to Dhikkan research, you are at risk of developing diabetes or heart diseases. Why write so many such things and post them? Only Bahujan Hitai Bahujan Sukhay.
After some time it will have comments. Either you go to office after posting or you are engaged in your own business. But it may be that you don't even know that there is some confusion in the comment box. When you come home and open social media, you will find that a small matter has been discussed. People have broken down with different opinions.
People who love potatoes will turn against you. See, potatoes contain so many nutrients. Eating potatoes provides carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins. Here are the research papers. It will also rebuke some Googled links. Potatoes do not increase fat and cholesterol and provide vitamins B, C etc. Also, vitamin C prevents certain types of body cells from being destroyed, thus increasing immunity. “Eating potatoes boosts immunity.” (Points to be noted your honor!) and will paste ten Googled links to support his argument. Look at this. Read this. What are you up to now? Uhhh...should think before writing. Uhh...Khabdar if anything has been written about potatoes...Uhh Uhh...
Some people will come to your support. This brother is absolutely right. Some doctors and Dhikna scientists also support this. Potatoes should not be eaten. Not at all. And the main thing is that it is not the food of our country. There is no mention of potato in our scriptures. Potatoes were nowhere to be found. So where did it come from? Brought the British? Potatoes have been globalized from America. This is the influence of western culture. There is a conspiracy to make our next generation look like potatoes by feeding them potatoes. These people want to exterminate our country with diabetes, obesity and cardiac disorders (or gasses like carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane, etc. by calving?). This is a long game plan of the western countries. You don't understand now. These people want to destroy the future of this great country through potatoes.
Then some bhadlok holmes people will come up with their countless theories like… Falana Foundation has a big potato business in America. It exports potatoes all over the world. Giants like McDonald's and Burger King also buy potatoes from them. One of the owners of this foundation is Doland Ibrahim. This brother of Doland Ibrahim is also a partner in a company supplying weapons to Pakistan. do you understand Do you understand? So you are funding bullets against your own countrymen by eating a burger. Fools. Now understand the logic? Hey, if you can't understand this simple logic, you should go to Murkhistan. Still do McD's Slavery. All potato eaters are anti-nationals.
Among all these, there are some people who try to see everything logically without being biased. They probably know that people from either of the two parties are not going to come to throw money at their house. And there is no difference in their struggle. They know that either right or left can be right or wrong. There is no need to look at everything from the point of view of right or left wing. But now we have got used to look at everything in the same way. As if every person has a gender decided from within. Then, without thinking about anything else, they argue. Logic or not. And if the present is not enough to argue, then to dig into the past. Why didn't you speak at that time? Why did you speak now?
The itch of this type of people does not go away until they find true self-satisfaction. They do not sleep at night. The poor man cannot pay attention to business or his wife. Those people surf so much that they read so much that they become IAIS! Actually this is a kind of disease. Like constipation. Don't let a man live in peace. Everything that is filled inside has to be taken out. Keep talking nonsense until it comes out. But it is the “Neutral, Liberal, and Rational Thinkers” who suffer the most.
The same thing can be seen in many ways. Everyone comes with their own opinions. They don't have to find enough factors on social media for that opinion to be strong. Everything is available on the internet. What you want is a system that appears repeatedly in the feed without having to search. There are theories on everything from the creation of the universe to the destruction of the universe. There are people's opinions on all those theories. If you say one thing, there are also millions of idle people to come up with a thousand theories to counter it. If you write something they don't like, there are thousands of people who forget their personal friendships and relationships and fight. These people can go to any limit to prove their own truth.
It also happens that what the social media worships today is cut to size tomorrow just to preserve its own opinion. Sonu Sud is the hero of the people today. But if someone gives a statement criticizing the government taking credit for doing the work of the state government, then people will tear his clothes too. Or if he speaks in favor of a government, the opposition will also do the same. This is a fact. Nothing is permanent on social media. Because people do not think logically before forming an opinion but react immediately by thinking too much emotionally.
In short, this is a vicious cycle. From which one can never come out. Everyone has their own different opinion. There are WhatsApp groups, pages, websites, followers that support the opinion. All of them think that we are right. Whatever we say and do is right. (Remember the philosopher Cicero's statement?) All those in the world who hold opinions different from ours are ungodly, infidels, wicked and sinners. To prove their agreement in their opinion, everyone is moving around with a small big group. The common man is fooled. From the dreams shown to him. He is afraid. From hordes of elves. From the threats it receives. He is not interested in any revolution. He is more interested in how to get bread twice a day, how to fill the stomach of his children, how to get them good education and how to increase happiness in their life.
Sometimes it becomes easy to extort work from them by giving them the lure of bread. It has now become easy to raise a bunch of such innocent men to show numbers. Anything can be done from a crowd. Any agenda can be fulfilled. And even in all these, the person who asks the question is considered a criminal. Asking questions, thinking logically or neutrally is like a crime. A crime that Socrates committed. A crime that Prahlada or Nachiketa would have committed once upon a time! But the average man does not think of himself as such a historical character. So he prefers to remain silent. Because if we fall into such mud, we will get stuck more and more. Mental health risks. Family life also deteriorates. Constipation and inflammation become so deep inside that even the good times of life cannot be enjoyed. Doubt in all work. The agenda appears. A good man cannot be judged and appreciated and a bad man cannot be dismissed so quickly. This is a disease. Due to which fear, anger, doubt and mental disorders enter forever. This anger leads to destruction.
So that nothing like this happens to us, we should keep our circle of friends productive, progressive and passionate about skills or career. Following similar content on social media. To have all the knowledge. But then learning to think from both sides by studying it in a balanced manner. Sometimes, if we hear something more logical than us, we should learn to accept it. If you find a very stubborn person in front of you, don't try too hard to prove yourself right. Keep your work under control and do your work faithfully. And if sometimes such a bull comes across and goes astray, give the necessary answer and ignore everything else Namah!
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